Free Chiropractic Treatment with Dr. Josh from Arlington Pain and Rehab from 5:00-6:30pm tonight – be sure to swing by if you have any tightness or tweaks.
Sign Up NOW for one of our two Olympic Weightlifting Courses! This May, we are holding both a Beginner and Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Courses. Our beginner’s course is designed for athletes with less than one year of CrossFit experience. Both courses run 4 weeks and meet for 90 minutes. Click the above links to read more about each course and register.
Route 7 Rumble is THIS WEEKEND at CrossFit Route 7!! Come out and support your fellow athletes who are competing! We are still in need of volunteers as well, let BJ know if you can help out!
Emom 10:
1 Squat Snatch starting at 60%
increase weight every minute
Partner WOD
1 Partner: Runs 200m w/medball 20/14
Partner 2;
5 Rope Climbs, FX: 15 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps 32/26 Fx: 24/20
15 Goblet Squats 24/16