Thursday, June 9, 2016

This weekend:
Saturday, June 11: Come out to The National Mall to support all the BCF/CFR7 members competing in Flex on The Mall!
Sunday, June 12, 1:00pm: Free Running Clinic at Washington and Lee High School Track
Next Week:
Wednesday, June 15, 6:30-8:00pm: Free Movement Screening and Injury Assessment with Lauren Cary of The Jackson Clinics Physical Therapy **RESERVE YOUR SPOT**
Strict Press
5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85%
*When you start a new four-week cycle, add 5 pounds to your 1RMs for bench and shoulder presses and 10 pounds for squats and deadlifts, and recalculate training weights using the new numbers.

Partner WOD
For Time:
Row Calories
Abmat Situps
*One person works at a time
*5 burpee penalty for both partners every switch during a movement