Hollow Position Work:
Technique Breakdown
then: 2 x :30 of each movement
*Tuck Hollow Hold, Single Leg Extensions, Extending Both Legs
*Lowering Straight Legs, Extending the Arms
*Hollow Rock
*Tuck Crunch & V-Ups
Partner WOD:
For Total time:
3 Rounds each
Person 1: 300 meter row
Person 2: Front Rack KB Hold 24/16, Fx: 16/12
3 Rounds each
Person 1: 10 Handstand Push ups, Fx: Hand release Push ups
Partner 2: Handstand Hold Fx: Plank
3 Rounds each:
Partner 1: 10 Toes to Bar Fx: Hanging Knee Raises
Partner 2: Deadlift Hold 225/155, 185/125
*Reps count only while Hold is performed