Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, Dec 15th: Core Blast! 6:40pm. 30 mins of Core Work. Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Saturday, Dec 17th: FREE CrossFit Intro Class at Noon. Email: [email protected] to join!
Sunday, Dec 18th: 10am Yoga! Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Sunday, Dec 18th: Skills Class! 12:30pm. Use your membership to join. This Weeks Skill: 1. Kipping toes to bar 2. Handstand walks (handstand walk skill will have a finisher to work weight shifting and shoulder strength/stability)
Superset Strength:
Bench Press 5 x 5
Barbell Row 5 x 5
Row 2K
~80% effort if not feeling optimal
Finisher: 100 Hollow Rocks