Sunday, October 21, 2018

Yoga with Liz at 10:00am!!!
Mobility/Skills Class with Coach Brandon at 12:20pm!!!
Come join us for our monthly Faith & Fitness event! We offer a fun FREE Boot Camp workout followed by a casual discussion about faith. People of all fitness levels (CrossFit experience is not required) and all faiths (including no faith) are welcome! Bring along a friend (or 2)! After, we’ll grab a burger and beer at Big Buns if interested in hanging out for post-workout fun!
Plan to arrive around 3:45pm so we can get started on time.

4 Super Sets
20 Single arm Dumbbell Bench Press (10L/10R)
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Row (Heavy)

4 rounds of :30 work :30 rest
Row Cals
Handstand Push up (Fx Push Ups)
In place Lunges (32/24) (Fx 24/16)
Alternating movements