NOTE – NO YOGA TODAY!! Sorry for the last minute notice – Sima just informed me she could not make it.
We’re excited to announce the 2015 Ballston CrossFit Nutrition Challenge is January 11-February 7, 2015! 

If you’re looking to get the BEST results you can from what you do in the box, perform better, look great and feel amazing, NUTRITION is your first line of offense! This year our Nutrition challenge is back to basics, simple, results-focused and involves YOU and a PARTNER! We know we all do better with a little support, a little competition, and some accountability to those around us. This year’s challenge gives you the chance to team up with one other person and get your nutrition on, while you compete with other teams to get great results and WIN BIG PRIZES, both weekly and overall (really! check some of them out below). No partner? No problem – we can find you one if you don’t already have one! Sign Up Today!
Thanksgiving Week Schedule Below. Please make sure to reserve classes. Please and Thank You!!!
Monday & Tuesday: Regular Schedule
Wednesday: Regular Friday schedule (no WOD at 7:30 & 8:30pm)
Thursday: 9am WOD
Friday: 10am and 11am WOD
Saturday: 10am, 11am
Sunday: Regular Schedule
Fitness: Clean 5×3 (A)
Performance: Clean 5×2 (A)
Fitness & Performance:
In teams of 3: Relay Race
With one person working at a time, the first person on the team will start doing double unders. Once they complete all 50, they will tag the next person who will then complete 50 DU’s, who will then tag the final person to go. Once they are done, they will tag the next person who will do sit-ups, and so on. At all times, someone who is resting needs to be holding a (32/24) kettlebell in 1 hand. If it hits the floor, the whole team will need to stop where they are and do 5 burpees, then continue.
- 50 Double Unders
- 40 Sit ups
- 30 Push ups
- 20 Kb swings
- 10 Burpees