Sunday, November 19, 2017

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Monday: Normal
Tuesday: Normal
Wednesday: No boot camp; Last class of the day at 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Thursday: 9am WOD only
Friday: 9am and 5:30pm WODs only
Saturday: 10am and 11am WODs only
Sunday: No skills class or yoga

3 count descent, 2 count hold at bottom, 1 count ascent
(May be across or ascending, depending on skill and needs of athlete)

From – November 3, 2017
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20-cal. row
15 ring dips
10 Turkish get-ups, 50-lb/35-lb dumbbell
NOTE: This workout is intended to be 20 minutes of work FOR QUALITY; score is not important. Athletes should move with deliberation and virtuosity.