Skills class with Coach Kathleen at 12:15! Today we’re going over Handstand Push-Ups and Double Unders! Open WOD make-up at 12:15pm with Coach Travis!
Faith and Fitness workout and discussion from 4-5:30pm today. Free for everyone, friends welcome!
Strength for the week
Monday: Long Partner WOD
Tuesday: Back Squats
Wednesday: Bench Press
Thursday: Clean and Jerk
Friday: TBD
Saturday: 17.2
Sunday: Push Press
5 RM Front Squat Retest
Option 1: Perform a 20 Rep Attempt at established 5RM
Option 2: Establish a new 5 RM
For Time:
Overhead Squats 115/80 Fx: 95/66
Hang Power Cleans 115/80 95/65
RX+: 135/95