Sunday, March 20, 2022

Skills class 1:30pm (Ring Muscle Ups)

Time flies when you are having fun! Congrats to one our first 10 year members: Emily J! One day you sign up for our Foundations Program and the next thing you know 10 years have passed and you’ve become really fit and made so many awesome friends at the gym! It’s been an honor watching you develop your strength and skills at BCF, we love seeing you getting more and more fit. We are happy and very grateful to have you at Ballston CrossFit for 10 years!


Every 1:30 for 4 Rounds
1: 5 – 10 Strict Pull Ups (Rx+: Chest to Bar)
2: 5 Deadlifts @60-70% (Not touch-and-go)


Every 1:30 for 3 Rounds
1: 22/17 Calorie Ski (Fx: 17/12)
2: 22/17 Calorie Bike (Fx: 17/12)
3: 22/17 Calorie Row (Fx: 17/12)
4: AMRAP Push Jerks (155/105) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 185/125)
5: Rest