Sunday, April 24, 2016

Yoga today at 10:00am! Free for members, $10 for friends. Reminder: Sunday yoga at CFR7 every week at 5:45pm.
Sign Up NOW for one of our two Olympic Weightlifting Courses! This May, we are holding both a Beginner and Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Courses. Our beginner’s course is designed for athletes with less than one year of CrossFit experience. Both courses run 4 weeks and meet for 90 minutes. Click the above links to read more about each course and register.
Bench Press
5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95%

7 min AMRAP (ascending ladder):
1 thruster (135/95)
1 muscle up
2 thrusters (135/95)
2 muscle ups
3 thrusters (135/95)
3 muscle ups….
1 thruster (115/80)
2 C2B pull-up
2 thrusters (115/80)
4 C2B pull-ups
3 thrusters (115/80)
6 C2B pull-ups