Saturday, October 20, 2018: Weightlifting Meet at CrossFit Route 7

This fall, we will be hosting 3 weightlifting seminars at Ballston CrossFit followed by a weightlifting meet that will be hosted at CrossFit Route 7. Each seminar will consist of two consecutive, two hour Saturday sessions (2:30-4:30pm).
The breakdown for each of the sessions will be as follows:

Beginner (Less than 1 year of weightlifting experience): Learning and refining the basic movement patterns of the snatch and clean and jerk.
Intermediate (1-2 years of weightlifting experience): Fine tuning of the snatch and clean and jerk and advanced drills.
Advanced (2+ years of weightlifting experience): Meet prep and guided lifting up to high percentages (opening weights for competition).
If you do not qualify for the higher level seminars, you can become eligible by progressing through the all three seminars.
Seminar Schedule:


September 8th and 15th Beginner WL Seminar [button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”medium” src=”″]Sign Up[/button]
September 22nd and 29th Intermediate WL Seminar [button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”medium” src=”″]Sign Up[/button]
October 6th Advanced Weightlifting Seminar [button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”medium” src=””]Sign Up[/button]
October 20 In-house Weighlifting Meet (hosted at CFR7) [button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”medium” src=”″]Sign Up[/button]

Other Seminar Info:
Class Size: 8 athletes (will increase cap size if seminars fill up early)
Prices: $75 for each seminar
Weightlifting Meet: $20 or free if you participate in one of the 3 weightlifting seminars