Saturday, November 18, 2017

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Monday: Normal
Tuesday: Normal
Wednesday: No boot camp; Last class of the day at 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Thursday: 9am WOD only
Friday: 9am and 5:30pm WODs only
Saturday: 10am and 11am WODs only
Sunday: No skills class or yoga

Have a friend interested in CrossFit? Have them join the Free Class with Coach Laura at noon!

RX+: 100 Pistols for time.
RX: Try to accumulate 50 pistols in 10 min.
FX: Try to accumulate 50 scaled pistols (standing on a box) in 10 min.
Scale: Work on pistol technique and scaling for 10 min.
BCF/CFR7/CFSA Throwdown Team Event #2 (one male and one female working at a time, reps may be split up as desired)
Cash-in: 400 double unders
Then 3 rounds:
20 Clean & Jerks 155/105
40 Handstand Push-ups
20 Front Squats 155/105
40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*Must tag your partner between movements before they can start working