Rowing Clinic Today!!! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
On Saturday, June 12th, we will be having a Rowing Clinic taught by D-1 Rower and CrossFit Route 7 Coach, Elizabeth. This rowing clinic will teach you the ideal Rowing mechanics you will need to maximize your efficiency and improve not just your row splits, but your metcon times in general.
-75 minute class
-8 person limit
-Class broken into three sections
-Overview of rowing stroke/points of performance
-Q&A and Drill Review
-Rotation through multiple stations of drills including live video analysisIf this sessions fills quickly we will add a second on that same day, starting at 3:45pm
Skills Class 1:15pm:

E2MOM 16
Clean Pull + Touch and Go Power Clean (↑)
3 Rounds
Work :30/Transition :15
1: 12/8 Calorie Bike (Fx: 10/7) (Rx+: 15/10)
2: Rest
3: AMRAP Alternating Kettlebell Hang Snatches
4: AMRAP Alternating Kettlebell Hang Cleans
5: Rest
(24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)