Have a friend interested in CrossFit? Have them join the Free Class with Coach Jeremy at noon!
Strict Press
3×3 – heavy triple over 3 sets
2×2 – heavy double over 2 sets
Rest as needed
On a 21 Minute Running Clock:
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
8 Thrusters (115/85#)
6 Burpees-over-the-bar
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
8 Thrusters (95/65#)
6 Pull-ups*
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
8 Thrusters (75/55#)
6 Burpees-over-the-bar
6 Pull-ups*
*Rx+ = C2B Pull-ups. Add up total reps for each AMRAP to one score for all three intervals
Optional Post-wod Finisher
3 sets of:
KB Curls x 20 reps, alternating
Plank Hold x 60 Seconds