Congratulations to our athletes who competed in the 5th Annual BCF/CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown!
All of the athletes had fun and put up some excellent performances! It was a great time with CF South Arlington and we’d like to thank everyone who came out to support. Check out the results of our BCF and CFR7 athletes below.
Individual Men:
1st Place: BJ Peyton
2nd Place: Marcus Ford
Individual Women:
1st Place: Claire Reynolds
4th Place: Nicole Nieves
1st Place: BCF/CFR7 Red -Anastasia, Liza, Mark D, Tucker
2nd Place: BCF Black – Meg C, Beth C, Jeff C and Ken
*REMINDER*Boot Camp is canceled on Monday nights for the next 5 Weeks. We will have Open Gym at 8:30 pm instead.
Old Rag Hike THIS Sunday! RSVP and get more details Here . Meet at BCF at 7:45am, we are leaving from there promptly at 8am! So far there’s a great group of people signed up to go, should be a gorgeous day for a hike. Come join in the fun!
Strength/Skill Schedule This Week
Monday: Push Press
Tuesday: Snatch
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Clean and Jerk
Friday: Muscle Up
Saturday: Bench Press
Sunday: Deadlift
Push Press
5 x 3 (ME)
20 Goblet Squats 32/24, Fx: 24/16
15 Push ups
10 Box Jumps 30/24, Fx: 24/20
200 m Run
We are starting a gymnastics cycle where you will see at least 5 gymnastics finishers each week (as well as additional gymnastics movements in WODs). Some of these finishers will be completed during the 1 hour WOD, and others athletes will be able to finish after the WOD (obviously optional). We are hoping to see some big gains in our gymnastics stills (including endurance on movements) in the next 2 months!
Finisher: 50 pull-ups for time (if athlete hits it in 1 set, they should add 5 reps to the target)