Monday, October 10, 2016

*REMINDER* Starting tonight, Boot Camp is canceled on Monday nights for the next 6 Weeks. We will have Open Gym at 8:30 pm instead.
Just a reminder and heads up that the 6 Week New You Challenge starts today.
What is it??
This is a program that people signed up for online and then came in and interviewed/paid to join. It’s an all female, on-ramp program for fitness and nutrition. There’s a company that does the advertising to gain new members for this and then we are hosting the 6 Week Challenge.

Extra Details:
– We have about 50 women in the program.
– We are trying our best to not impact the regular BCF schedule but for now we had to replace the Monday night Boot Camp with one of these classes.
– New You Class schedule is: MWF 6:30am, MW 7:30pm and Sat 10am. This can also be found online on the main website schedule.
– If this goes well we may host another one but it will be an all male group.
We appreciate your patience as we try out this new program to help reach more people with fitness. Please say hello to registrants of this program if you see some new faces around the gym 🙂

Tuesday, October 11, 2016: 5:00 – 6:30pm – Arlington Pain and Rehab Free Chiropractic Treatment. Click Here
Saturday, October 15, 2-5pm – 5th Annual BCF/CFR7 vs CFSA Throwdown! Click Here
Strength/Skill Schedule This Week
Monday: Snatch
Tuesday: Back Squat
Wednesday: Rope Climb
Thursday: Clean
Friday: Deadlift
Saturday: None
Sunday: Front Squat

ODD: 1 Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS (A@~80% of 1RM snatch) + max over the bar burpees for the rest of the minute.
Even: rest (your partner lifts)

Tabata WOD
Double Unders
Jumping Barbell Squats
Ball Slams
*not recording a score, challenge yourself to move for the entire “working” time.