Thanksgiving Week Schedule Below. Please make sure to reserve classes. Please and Thank You!!!
Monday & Tuesday: Regular Schedule
Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am, 9:30am (this will only be held if at LEAST 5 people register), 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm Barbell Club
Thursday: 9am WOD
Friday: 10am and 11am WOD
Saturday: 10am, 11am
Sunday: Regular Schedule
Overhead squat, 5×5 (A)
Overhead squat, 5×5 (A)
3 rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 10 power snatches, 95/65
- 20 front squats, 95/65
Overhead squat, 2×5 (80-85%); 2×3 (85-90%); 2×1 (90-95%)
3 rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 10 power snatches, 115/80
- 20 front squats, 115/80