Monday, November 20, 2017

Thanksgiving Schedule
Monday: Normal
Tuesday: Normal
Wednesday: No boot camp; Last class of the day at 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Thursday: 9am WOD only
Friday: 9am and 5:30pm WODs only
Saturday: 10am and 11am WODs and Open Gym from 12-1pm
Sunday: No skills class or yoga

Strength/Skill Schedule
Monday: Thrusters
Tuesday: Strict T2B and “Nasty Girls”
Wednesday: Shoulder Press
Thursday: “Scooter”
Friday: Single Leg RDL/Back Squats
Saturday: Weighted Step ups/ “Sham”
Sunday: Clean complex/ Throwdown Individual WOD #2

Show up between 5:15pm-6:45pm to receive free ART soft tissue treatment from our friends at Full Motion Life & Sport! If you have any tweaks or tightness, they can fix you up!

2017 Hoodie Pre-Order! Purchase by midnight Nov 27th. $40


5 x 2 Across (target ~90% of weight you hit for hang clusters on 11/15)

10 Min AMRAP
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
3 Deadlifts
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
6 Deadlifts
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
9 Deadlifts

Score is weight and rounds + reps.
*Recommended weights: RX 225/155; FX 185/125