Monday, December 3, 2018


Monday, December 3, 2018

Our very own nutrition coach Megan Crozier will be sending out a free weekly nutrition newsletter for BCF & CFR7 members. The emails will include recipes, meal plans, nutrition tools & resources, brand recommendations, & info around performance and the latest diet trends.
Whether you already eat pretty healthy or are a complete newbie, she’ll be sharing lots of resources and info that will help you improve your nutrition habits & knowledge.

This email will ONLY go out to those who sign up, so if you’re interested all you have to do is sign up here 👉
Overview Of Week:
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: Deadlift
Wednesday: Hanukkah WOD
Thursday: Back Squats
Friday: EMOM Gymnastics
Satuday: EMOM Clean
Sunday: Strict Press

Bench Press
5×2 (ME)
Finish with one set of:
AMRAP@90% of 2RM

3 Rounds of:
400m Run
24 abmat situps
16 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 (Fx: 24/16)
8 Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: C2B Pull-ups)

Freestanding handstand hold practice with a partner