Memorial Day
8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM, and 5:30PM WODs

Memorial Day marks a sacred day for our community and our nation — a day where we pause to remember those who have paid the ultimate price. No words we can write would do justice to the weight of their sacrifice. Take time today, if only for a moment, to contemplate the gravity of their loss and the freedom it purchased.
Weekly Overview | Events/Classes | |
Monday | “Murph” | 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM, and 5:30PM WODs |
Tuesday | Core | Outdoor Core Blast Tonight @6:45PM! Free Beginner CrossFit Class @ 7:45PM REGISTER |
Wednesday | Romanian Deadlift | |
Thursday | Snatch | Mobility @ 5:45PM |
Friday | Hand Stand Work | |
Saturday | Front Squat | Free Beginner CrossFit Class @ 12PM REGISTER |
Sunday | Strict Press | Yoga @ 10AM Skills Class @ 1:30PM (Kipping & Butterfly Pull Ups) |
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Rx: Unpartitioned with weight vest. (20/14)