Monday, March 21, 2022


Monday, March 21, 2022

Today between 5-7PM Arlington Pain and Rehab will be on site, giving free evaluations and treatment.

Congrats to one of our first 10 year members: Coach Travis! One day you sign up for our Foundations Program and the next thing you know 10 years have passed and you’ve become really fit and made so many awesome friends at the gym! Travis took his gym experience to the highest level as he became a coach at BCF in June 2013 and has helped so many gym members on their fitness journey over the years as our longest tenured coach at BCF!! We are happy and very grateful to have you at Ballston CrossFit!

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayFront SquatFree Beginner CrossFit Class @ 6:30PM REGISTER
5-7PM Arlington Pain and Rehab, Free Eval and Treatment
TuesdayGymnastics Core Blast @ 6:45PM
WednesdayPower Cleans
ThursdayShoulder Pump Mobility @ 5:45PM (Warrior ROMWOD)
SaturdayLong Metcon Rope Climbs In The WOD
Free Beginner CrossFit Class @ 12PM REGISTER
Bench Press
Yoga @ 10AM
Skills Class @ 1:30PM (Rope Climbs & Handstand Push Ups )


E3MOM 18
1 – 3: 3 Tempo Front Squats (33×1) @65 – 70%
4 – 6: 5 Front Squats @70 – 75%


6 – 12 – 18 – 24 – 30
Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+: 70/50)
Box Jumps (27/22) (Fx: 24/20)