Monday, April 7, 2014

Thanks to everyone for participating in the fundraiser for Adam on Saturday!! We had an incredible turnout…and we raised over $10,000 to help Adam out with his medical expenses!! AWESOME WORK, love this community at BCF!!
Chiro Dr. Doug Gold from Full Motion Life and Sport will be treating any soft tissue issues for our athletes from 5-6pm.
Reminder – no 9:30am WOD anymore on Mon/Wed (we will continue to have it on Friday due to the good turnout).
As always, be sure to reserve class. Reminder, click on this link from your smart phone to create an app to easily reserve classes:
Bench press, 5×5 (A)
4 rounds, 1 minute stations:

  • Pull ups
  • Push ups
  • Weighted sit-ups, 25/15
  • Weighted air squats, 25/15

Bench press, 1×10; 2×5; 2×3 (ME)
4 rounds, 1 minute stations:

  • Chest to bar pull ups
  • Handstand pushups
  • Weighted sit-ups, 25/15
  • Weighted air squats, 25/15