Today from 6:15-6:45 PM, Chiro Dr. Dan Alcorn (a licensed physical therapist and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer) will be providing a 30 minute squat mobility seminar that is free to all members. The seminar will address mobility techniques from the thoracic spine down to the foot/ankle and is a great opportunity to get some professional advice about any mobility deficits that limit the quality of your squat. The 5:30pm & 6:30pm WOD’s will be condensed by 15 min each to accommodate this mobility seminar.
Remember to reserve classes. Click on this link from your smart phone to create an app:
Skill: Turkish Get-ups
Fitnesss: Tabata intervals of:
- Strict pull ups
- Push ups
- Sit-ups
- Air squats
Performance: Tabata intervals of:
- Strict pull ups
- Hand release push-ups
- Weighted sit-up (25/15)
- Weighted air squats (25/15)