Q:How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I’m probably one of the only people that studied themselves into CrossFit. I’ve been pretty athletic my whole life – growing up, played sports every season in high school, and football in college. Tried running some longer distances – did the Beachbody programs (P90X, Insanity), but struggled to find something that was holistic. I stumbled across Glassman’s What Is Fitness article and was sold when I realized he was the founder of CrossFit. When I finally moved close enough to a box to make it worth it I joined right away.
Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I technically started in June of 2021, but had persistent back injuries for a while that kept me in-and-out for probably 6 months or so.
Between finding a solid PT and Cam’s persistence to not let me give up – seriously, major shout out to Cam! – I slowly found exercises to rehab and strengthen my back to the point I could work out consistently. From there it became a matter of consistency and sustainability – keep showing up and don’t get hurt.
My goal from there was simple – consistent workout for a year with no injuries.
Q:What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
Same mantra – Keep showing up. Don’t get hurt.
I personally needed to work a lot on my mobility. But once I swallowed any remaining pride I had about not being anywhere near one of the top athletes in the box and realized this was entirely personal – it was a lot easier to have patience with myself and just consistently show up, put in the work (mobility work that is), and listen to my body about when I could push it and when I needed to ease up. It’s so much better to ease up in any given workout and be able to show up again for the next one rather than being overly sore or hurting yourself and needing an extended break.
Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Keep showing up. Don’t get hurt.
Q:What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
Coaching is incredible. I’ve been to a few gyms via moving and work travel and the coaching at BCF is the best I’ve come across.