Lauren Nasstrom

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?

When I moved to Arlington I knew the first thing I wanted to do was find a CrossFit gym. I went to the free class and was so excited to feel challenged by working out again and immediately joined.

Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?

I had taken a break from CrossFit to train for a half marathon and just focus on conventional weightlifting, but got so bored of doing the same things every week and decided to start doing CrossFit again. 

Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I started in January 2024. When I originally started I was focused on regaining the strength and skills I had lost in my time off from Crossfit, thinking that would take a long time, but I actually pretty quickly reached that goal and have continued growing ever since!

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?

I think it has been so helpful to have coaches who know my strengths and weaknesses, will challenge me when I’m not pushing hard enough, and help me when I need to approach a skill or lift differently.

Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?

You will improve! Don’t give up! When I started I truly had to scale every single movement and felt like that would never change, but the skills and strength will come if you just keep showing up for yourself.

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

Nothing reallly! Sorry!

Q: What is the biggest benefit you have noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym?

I think there is something in the air here because I had been doing CrossFit for a few years but I have never improved as much and as quickly as I have since starting here. 

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?

The coaches really care about you as a person. I’m pretty shy so I’m usually not chatting people up at class, but the coaches encouraged me to come to gym social events and introduced me to my new bestie Kindra! Shoutout to Kindra Faucher!

Q: What is your favorite memory related to CrossFit been?

I had a short stint of unemployment after taking the bar exam and would just come and spend hours at the gym talking and working out and it was so much fun.

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