Competition WOD on Saturday at CFR7! Come challenge yourself with tough WODs working out with great athletes!
In honor of 9/11, we will be challenged with the Hero WOD named after Ryan Hummert, 22, who was killed by sniper fire July 21st 2008 when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. This Maplewood, Missouri Firefighter is survived by his parents Andrew and Jackie Hummert.
Very early on the morning of July 21st , 2008 the Maplewood Fire Department recieved a call for a truck fire on the 7400 block of Zephyr. This was 22-year old Ryan Hummert’s first fire call. What happened when the crew arrived was unimaginable: a sniper began shooting at the firefighters. A bullet struck and mortally wounded Maplewood’s youngest firefighter, Ryan Hummert, who as the son of former Mayor Andy Hummert and Jackie Hummert, had roots that ran deep through the Maplewood community. Two police officers, Adam Fite and Sergeant Mike Martin, were shot and wounded. A crew of Maplewood Firefighters and a number of Police Officers found themselves in the line of fire and risked their lives that day to save colleagues and protect residents from a pathological sniper who ultimately took his own life. We will never know why this happened nor will we ever forget that day.
7 Muscle-Ups
21 Burpees**Each Burpee terminates with a jump 1 foot above max standing reach