Friday, September 1, 2017

We are disappointed to inform the community that we are cancelling the 5th Annual AM vs. PM Throwdown and Summer BBQ. We have encouraged participation, but unfortunately we did not even have enough participants for a full team from both the AM and PM community. This is disappointing as this event has historically filled up quickly and had 100+ members support the event and enjoy the free BBQ catered by the box. We will move the event back to August in 2018.
Our goal in hosting these community events is to bring everyone together for a fun time. We hope to have better participation in future community events.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14th for our annual competition against CrossFit South Arlington!
– your BCF and CFR7 Coaches

This upcoming Labor Day weekend’s schedule will have normal Sat/Sun classes, and Monday holiday classes at 10am and 5:30pm.
Establish a new 1 RM Front Squat
5@50%, 3@60%, 2@70, 2 @ 80, 1@85, 1@90, 1@95, 1@100%, 1 at PR no more than 3 Maximal Attempts

Rope Climbs (remember to wear your tall socks!)
Rx: 12 Rope Climbs for time 15″
Fx: 8 Climbs for time 15″
RX+ 5-8 Seated Cimb from the Floor 15″
Technique work for those learning to rope climb

1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.