Friday, March 14th, 2025, Friday Night Lights! Open Throwdown 25.3

The top athletes in the CrossFit Open are invited to come in and perform the final workout of the CrossFit Open in a race against each other! The top 12 athletes in the CrossFit Open are invited to come in and perform the final workout of the CrossFit Open in a race against each other! The top two teams of our Intramural Open are invited as well to come and workout and do their best to win the in house competition this year!!! The heat schedule and times will be released as we get more details on the workout. Come in and support our athletes, your teammates, and FRIENDS! 7PMish will be when the first heat starts! If you aren’t competing, grab your favorite beverage and snacks and come cheer on your BCF family for the final workout! Friends and family are also welcome to join us!