Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day schedule is listed below. Remember, the Mid-Atlantic Regionals will be at GMU this weekend, grab some friends and go cheer on some of the best CF athletes in the world!
Friday, May 23 – regular schedule (“21 Guns WOD”)
Sat, May 24 – 10am, 11am, noon free class and Barbell Club (9am and Open Gym are cancelled)
Sunday, May 25 – 10am yoga, 11am & 5:30pm WOD (12pm WOD and Barbell Club cancelled)
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day MURPH! – 12pm & 5:30pm WOD (all other classes cancelled)
WOD with Warriors at RWB at the 6:30pm!
Kipping pull up and muscle up technique (or 30 muscle ups for time)
Fitness & performance:
“21 Guns”

  • Run 400m
  • 21 pushups
  • 21 box jumps (24”/20”)
  • 15 burpees
  • 9 pull-ups