Great events in the week ahead!
Saturday, March 5, 2:30-4:00pm: First Session of Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting
Sunday, March 6, 1:30-2:30pm: Free Mobility and Olympic Lifting Seminar
Thursday, March 10, 6:30-8:00pm: Free Boot Camp & Yoga with Lululemon. Invite your friends!
Open Workouts are scheduled Fridays at CFR7 and Saturdays at BCF.
In addition, Open Gym will start an hour early *today* at 11:00am at BCF for anyone who wants to do 16.2.
Strength: press 5×3 (A)
For time, with a partner (one working at a time), 15 min AMRAP:
30 Calorie Row
25 Push-ups
20 alternating KB snatches (24/16)
15 HSPU (feel free to add a deficit if desired)