Friday, January 6, 2017


       Bring a friend with you to a WOD next Tuesday or Wednesday to workout with our awesome community. No CrossFit experience needed. All WODs will be modified so you can train with buddy.
       Take a picture at the end of every WOD and post it to our Facebook page to show the world you’re in it for fitness. Also, if your friend wants to join Ballston CrossFit they will save $25 on the following weeks Foundations Course. Normally $149 but will be $124 for your friend you brought.
This is to also help launch our new 2017 Referral program!
We have revised our referral program and we want to offer you the opportunity to give your friends or family members a deal when they join BCF!
As a member of the BCF community, you have the opportunity to gift $50-75 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50-75 towards your next month of training!
Here is how it works:
If you have a friend who is interested in joining CrossFit, simply email their phone number and email address to [email protected] with “Referral” in the subject line. Of course, you can tell them about the community, your fitness story and why CrossFit is awesome. We will tell them about the free classes, foundations, what to expect, etc.
After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 6 or 12-month membership then they will get $75 off their first month and you will get $75 off your next month as well. If they sign up for a 3 month membership, then you will both receive $50 off. It’s that easy (and simple)!

Sunday, Jan 8th – Nutrition Workshop @ 1PM
8-6-4-2-2-1 (ME)
*No Bouncing!
Test your fitness for the unknown… you’ll find out the WOD when you come to class