***New course offering–reserve your spot now!***
BCF’s “Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting” classes are designed to improve technique by performing progressions and classic versions of the two Olympic lifts, the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk (including video analysis!). At the conclusion of a four-week cycle lifters will be capable of moving weight from ground to overhead in a more confident, efficient, and powerful manner. Athletes at all levels are welcome to register. Class starts March 5 and runs for 4 weeks (1.5 hours each session) meeting Saturday from 2:30-4pm and will culminate with a mock olympic weightlifting meet!
March 5, 12, 19, 26
Register Here
Mark the following events on your calendar for next week!
Monday, February 8, 6:00-8:00pm: Sweet Bees and Wild Hearts Baking Co. Paleo Dessert Tasting
Tuesday, February 9, 6:30-8:00pm: CFR7 Free Boot Camp and Yoga
Thursday, February 11, 8:00pm: BCF Trifecta Party at Carpool
Nutrition Challenge Baseline WOD
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
16 Wall Balls (Rx: 20/14 to 10’/9′) (Fx: 14/10 to 10’/9′)
16 Power Cleans (Rx: 135/95) (Fx: 95/65)
16 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Skin The Cats