Holiday Schedule
Fri 12/29 regular schedule but Boot Camp cancelled
Sat 12/30 9am WOD and Open Gym, 10am WOD, 11am WOD, 12-1pm Open Gym
Sun 12/31 11:15am WOD and 12:15-1:30pm Open Gym (yoga and 5:30pm WOD cancelled)
Monday 1/1 12pm WOD
BCF’s official kickoff seminar for our 2018 Nutrition Challenge will be on January 10th at 7:30pm! Sign up now – the price goes up January 1st!
“There’s a lot of nutrition information out there. It can be confusing to know what really works and if it will help you with your goals. Should you count your macros, do a Whole30, go keto or Paleo — where to begin?! Whether you want to increase performance, get better at burning fat, or just have more energy and feel better, the 30-Day Reset Challenge will help get you closer to your goals and actually understand what works for you.“
Snatch (full)
EMOM for 10:00
*Starting 40# Below 1 RM
*Add 5lbs to bar after every successful lift.
Burpees over bar
Front Squat 135/95, Fx:95/65