Saturday, Dec 17th: FREE CrossFit Intro Class at Noon. Email: [email protected] to join!
Sunday, Dec 18th: 10am Yoga! Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Sunday, Dec 18th: Skills Class! 12:30pm. Use your membership to join. This Weeks Skill: 1. Kipping toes to bar 2. Handstand walks (handstand walk skill will have a finisher to work weight shifting and shoulder strength/stability)
A quote we live by is “you can’t out-train a bad diet.” To truly attain elite fitness, it’s imperative that your nutrition be as habitual & robust as your exercise routine.
[Nutrition + Exercise = Elite Fitness]
As a BCF & CFR7 member, we work hard to ensure your exercise programming is well-rounded and elite. For 2017, we’ve decided to hold the nutrition side of the equation to this same high-standard:
We are excited to announce our partnership with Elite Nutrition & Keep It Real Nutrition to provide you with a well-rounded range of nutrition coaching services and programs.
*Gift announcement*
To kick-things off in the new year, we will be launching an innovative nutrition workshop which is unlike any other nutritional approach we’ve seen.
We want 2017 to be a big step forward in your own fitness journeys, so we’ve decided to purchase 25 seats to this workshop which will be available to you first come, first serve.
There are 2 sessions – one at BCF & one at CFR7 – learn more and sign up here → Nutrition Workshop Information & Sign-up Page.
*January 2017 Nutrition Challenge *
In January, we will also be launching a re-designed nutrition challenge…with a twist.
Unlike most nutrition challenges, we believe that changing every aspect of your nutrition all-at-once, coupled with an intense 30-day timeline, doesn’t lead to sustainable long-term results.
Why not leverage the motivation of a group competition with the effectiveness of nutrition coaching?
So, what does this look like? The best way to learn more is to attend our January nutrition workshop and/or stay tuned as we provide more information in the coming weeks.
Once again, here’s the sign-up link → Nutrition Workshop Information & Sign-up Page.
Overhead Squat:
3 x 10 (A)
“Fight or Flight Simulator”
Double Unders
Deadlifts 165/110, Fx: 135/95
*Double Unders must be UB to move to the Deadlifts
*5 HR Burpee over Bar Penalty for Breaking up Deadlifts
15:00 Cap