NEW CLASS TIME!!! 2:30PM on Fridays with Coach Brock is LIVE!

As I turned 50 this year, I wanted to get a jumpstart for the next 50. I was on a mission to find the best gym in Arlington with a workout structure that will make an overall impact, where I can progress and maintain a healthier lifestyle. I wanted a program that offered challenges, something that was explosive and not monotonous. Those were the key components I was looking for to help me achieve my personal and professional goals.
I always strived to be active growing up, finding outlets that challenged me because I found fulfillment in them and felt that it made me a better person. I’ve always had a lot of energy, so physical fitness naturally became an interest — rucking, hiking, biking, rock climbing, running, and weightlifting was my favorite. But beginning in 2014, I couldn’t run as much anymore due to fractures I sustained, so I had to find other means to do cardio. Then in the last few years, I’ve noticed my energy was slowly declining, and more wear and tear was happening along with an autoimmune condition limiting me out of the blue. It was the most confusing and frustrating time. That’s why I needed to find the right and best gym. In my online search, I went down the list of “the best gym in Arlington” and Ballston CrossFit was the only one that struck my interest. CrossFit itself didn’t cross my mind during my search even though I’ve heard about CrossFit before. What caught my attention were the number of positive reviews. I was immediately in awe when I saw the website, learning about the programs, Yoga and the success stories, and how diverse the coaches’ backgrounds were.
One day I decided to visit the gym and I saw coach Mack teaching the class. Although I was a bit intimidated stepping through the door I ended up watching the class that she was teaching. This made me realize that my search was over!
E3MOM 15
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Squat Snatch (↑)
5 Rounds
20 Wall Balls (20/14) (Rx+: 11’/10′)
20/15 Calorie Row (Fx: 15/10)
5 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups)