Friday, August 1, 2014

Sneak peak at programming: we are doing Fran on Saturday  🙂
Starting this weekend, our new schedule goes into effect. The following classes have been added (all of these classes count as a class if you are on a Gold membership):

  • Sun Open gym from 12pm-1:15pm (we still have Open gym on Sat as well, it is at 12pm this week)
  • Monday Barbell Club 8:30-9:30pm (note – you may only sign up for ONE weekday Barbell Club every week, no exceptions)
  • Wednesday Skills Class 8:30pm – 9:30pm. This will be a chance to work on double unders, kipping (pull-ups, HSPU, toes to bar), muscle ups, etc. We will work on 2 skills each week, which will be posted to the WOD page with the Wed WOD.

Warm-up: 5 min double unders
Technique: squat snatch
Fitness & performance:
In teams of two; AMRAP 30:

  • 6 squat snatches, (Fx: 95/65; Rx: 115/80)
  • 9 burpee box-jumps, (Fx: 24/20; Rx: 32/26)
  • 12 ring push ups

*While one partner works through the exercises above, one partner will run 200m with a 20/14lb med ball. Switch upon completion of the 200m.