If you missed the WOD post yesterday, please read it.
Easter Sunday schedule update: 5:30pm WOD is only WOD.
On Monday, April 21st at 6:15 PM, Chiro Dr. Dan Alcorn (a licensed physical therapist and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer) will be providing a 30 minute squat mobility seminar that is free to all members. The seminar will address mobility techniques from the thoracic spine down to the foot/ankle and is a great opportunity to get some professional advice about any mobility deficits that limit the quality of your squat. The 5:30pm & 6:30pm WOD’s will be condensed by 15 min each to accommodate this mobility seminar.
Fitness & Performance:
- Front squats
- Ring dips
Rest exactly 90 seconds
Then, 15-12-9:
- Front squats
- Ring dips
Rest exactly 60 seconds
Then, 12-9-6:
- Front squats
- Ring dips
Fitness weight: 95/65. Performance weight: 115/80.
Finisher: Turkish get-ups or goat work