BCF/CFR7 Nationals vs. Padres baseball game July 17th!!! Make sure you reserve and purchase your spot by July 6th (sorry for the short notice). Tickets are $26 (scoreboard pavilion section area 241) and tickets include a $7 concession credit (FREE BEER!). Friends are welcome. Members need to reserve their space by sending money...Read More
BCF/CFR7 Nationals vs. Padres baseball game July 17th!!! (LAST DAY TO SIGN UP. MUST BE DONE BY NOON TODAY!) Make sure you reserve and purchase your spot by July 6th (sorry for the short notice). Tickets are $26 (scoreboard pavilion section area 241) and tickets include a $7 concession credit (FREE BEER!)....Read More
Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayGymnasticsFree Beginner CrossFit – 6:45pm REGISTERTuesdayPower Snatch + Overhead SquatCore Blast 6:45pm!!!WednesdayStrict PressThursday“The BCF WOD”FridayBack Squat & DeadliftSaturdayClean and JerksSkills Class at 1:15pm: SundayHero WOD “Nate”Yoga – 10:00am BCF/CFR7 Nationals vs. Padres baseball game July 17th!!! Make sure you reserve and purchase your spot by July 6th (sorry for the short notice). Tickets are...Read More
Congrats to Mikhail and his wife Anna on getting married this past weekend! We wish you two the best and a lifetime of happiness! Conditioning: Death by 30ft Sprint Record final completed round. EMOM 181: AMRAP Ski Erg Cals2: Rest3: Rest4: AMRAP Bike Cals5: Rest6: Rest Optional Core Strength: 30 – 20 – 10GHD...Read More
BCF Bring a Friend Day! Bring a friend to any of the classes today and they will get a discount on their Foudations! Strength: 4 RoundsWork :20/Rest :101: High Plank Shoulder Taps2: V- Ups (Fx: Tuck Ups)3: Reverse Plank4: Sit Ups Conditioning: AMRAP 20With a Partner Alternating Movements10 Burpees Over the Rower20 Alternating Dumbbell...Read More
BCF Bring a Friend Day! Do you have a buddy that you’ve been trying to convince to check out Ballston CrossFit? We are here to help steer them in the right direction. Wednesday, June 23, will be Bring a Friend Day at BCF! Help grow the BCF community by bringing a pal...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.