
Fitness: Power snatch to snatch, 10×1.1 (A) Performance: Power snatch to snatch, find heavy single of complex Fitness: 4 rounds for time: 10 overhead squats, 95/65 10 box jumps, 24/20 Run 200m Performance: 4 rounds for time: 10 overhead squats, 135/95 10 box jumps, 32/26 Run 200m
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Yoga with Nina at 10am! WOD schedule for Sunday – 11:15am,5:30pm. Please RESERVE classes (they fill up on Sunday)! ================================================================== Fitness & performance: Ring rows, 4 sets of max reps Fitness: For time: Row 1000m 30 thrusters, 115/80 150 double unders Performance: For time: Row 1000m 30 thrusters, 155/105 150 double unders
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Fitness & performance: Clean & jerk, find 1RM Then EMOTM 12: 2 power cleans to 1 jerk (75% of 1RM) Choice one of the below: 1) 50 behind the neck barbell sit-ups* 2) 50 GHD sit-ups *Recommend training bars for all to start. Will need partner to hold feet.
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Fitness: Overhead Squat, 5×3 (A) Performance: Overhead Squat, Work to heavy triple Fitness: 4 rounds for time: 10 box jumps, 24/20 10 deadlifts, 225/155 Performance: 4 rounds for time: 10 box jumps, 32/24 10 deadlifts, 275/185
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Fitness: Bench press, 5×5 (A) Performance: Bench press, 2×5 (A); 2×3 (A); 2×1 (A) Fitness & performance: 4 rounds for time: Run 400m 20 air squats 10 ground to overhead, 115/80 (Fx: 95/65)
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Fitness & performance: Buy in: 200 double unders Then, 4 rounds for time 5 muscle ups (Fx: 2 pull ups and 2 rings per each muscle up) 10 handstand pushups 15 overhead lunges, 45/25 20 burpees Finisher: Turkish get-up practice
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Fitness: Front squat, 6×3 (A) Performance: Front squat, find a heavy triple Fitness & performance: Metcon: In teams of two, AMRAP 10: Hang squat snatches 95/65 Run 200m *Workout is a partner AMRAP for snatches. One partner will complete 200m run and the other partner will do as many snatches as possible in that time...
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Monday, April 20th, a chiropractor from the Arlington Pain & Rehab team will be treating athletes for free from 6-7pm; first come, first served, every other Monday evening. The team at Arlington Pain & Rehab focuses on individual patient needs by utilizing a combination of chiropractic care, physiotherapy, sports massage, acupuncture, rehabilitation exercise protocols, and...
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Yoga with Nina at 10am! WOD schedule for Sunday – 11:15am,5:30pm. Please RESERVE classes (they fill up on Sunday)! ================================================================== Fitness: Snatch, 7×2 (A) Performance: Snatch, find a heavy double   Fitness: 30-20-10: Overhead squat, 95/65 Kettlebell swings, 24/16 Performance: 30-20-10: Overhead squat, 115/80 Kettlebell swings, 32/24
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Fitness & Performance: Clean and jerk technique   Fitness & performance: In teams of two, AMRAP 30: 3 muscle ups (Fx: 6 pull ups; 6 ring dips) 6 thrusters, Rx: 135/95, Fx: 115/80 9 bastards *While one partner completes the rounds, the other partner will complete a 200m run. Upon completion of the run, partners...
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