Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I started doing CrossFit in November 2020 when I was living in Atlanta, GA. Growing up I was in the track and field and soccer teams at my school but once I started college I completely stopped working out. Once I graduated, I started running short distances a couple of times a week but was not consistent with it. One day when I was running, I saw a sign of a CrossFit gym close to where I lived and decided to give it a try. After the first class I could not move for a week, but got really motivated to continue going. Last June my husband and I were planning to move to the DMV area and, when looking for places to live, my only condition was to be close to a CrossFit gym. Luckily, we moved to Ballston and my journey at BCF started. I honestly was a little nervous when I went to my first class, since I already had my community and friends in Atlanta, but everybody was so nice and welcoming at BCF that I felt at home right away.
Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I started in June 2022, and my goals were to continue getting stronger and also improving my running times. I ran my first half-marathon in February 2022 with a finishing time of 2:12. I have had a huge improvement since then, finishing my second race in 2:01 in December 2022, and my third in 1:58 in March 2023. Moving forward I want to continue improving my times and also run my first marathon later this year.
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
Consistent attendance to classes, having the support of the coaches and the members, and the programming. I am really happy with the improvement I have had with running, and how it keeps me motivated.
Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
We all have to start somewhere, keep showing up to classes and listen to your body.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
I started to take my sleep time and nutrition more serious, and while it’s not even close to be perfect, I feel I have made huge progress.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
The community and amazing coaches. I have met incredible people that I am happy to call my friends.