Reminder: mobility seminar with Dr. Kempe on Monday from 6:15-6:45pm. Free for all athletes (we will be focusing on ankle mobility). The 5:30pm WOD will start at 5:25pm and end by 6:15pm (be sure show up 5 min earlier than usual and remember to reserve classes – click this link from your smartphone to create the app: 6:30pm WOD will start at 6:45pm.
Push press, 5×5 (A)
5 rounds for time:
- 5 [squat] snatches, 95/65
- 10 pull-ups and ring dips
Push press, find a new 5RM
5 rounds for time:
- 5 [squat] snatches, 135/95
- 5 muscle-ups