Wednesday, September 30, 2015

BCF JERSEY FAN WOD – Thursday Oct 1st.
You all wanted more themed WODs, so get those jerseys out and rep your #1 sports team during a fun-filled workout! Soccer, football, hockey, basketball.. whatever sport you’re a fan of! Sky’s the limit for creativity! High socks, war paint, shoulder pads, baseball gloves??? Then we’ll follow up the evening with HAPPY HOUR at world of beer – starting at 7:30pm! (Join whenever)
Please note: This themed wod is available to all AM/PM classes on Thursday, October 1st!

So get pumped for a FAN-tastic Thursday! And let the best team win….
Technique: power cleans
15 minutes to work up to max Power Clean.
3 minutes rest
max reps Power Cleans in 7 minutes at 65% of established max

Finisher: 10 Rounds of
20 second Hollow Hold + 40 Push-up Plank Hold
rest 30 seconds