Yoga with Nina at 10am!
WOD schedule for Sunday – 11:15am only.
For Memorial Day this coming Monday (5/25) we will be running one session for the traditional “Murph” WOD!
10AM its going down! Come honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and way of life. Coaches will be joining in as well.
Ballston Crossfit will be offering free WOD to guests with a $10 suggested donation to No Greater Sacrifice (NGS) for the Memorial day Murph. No Greater Sacrifice is a charity that grants scholarship to the children of wounded and fallen Service members. Members and Guests please come work out hard and give back to our heroes.
Bear complex, 10×1 (A)
Bear complex, find heavy single
*This complex is power clean to front squat to jerk to back squat to back rack jerk (must stop at each movement cannot flow through them). One time through the sequence; jerk can be split or push.
Fitness & performance:
For time:
30 power cleans
*Every minute, complete 10 double unders
**Fx: 135/95; Rx: 175/115