
August 4, 2019
REMINDERAfternoon open gym is cancelled. Overview of the Week WODsEventsMondayBack SquatsTuesdayShoulder-to-Overhead ComplexCore Blast (6:45 pm)Free Beginner CrossFit Class (7:45 pm)WednesdayDeadliftsThursdayMuscle-UpsFridaySnatch ComplexSaturdayFront SquatsFree Beginner CrossFit Class (12:00 noon)SundayHandstand Push-upsYoga (10:00 am)Skills+Mobility (1:20 pm) Strength: Back SquatE3MOM 15Set 1: 2 @ 85-90%Set 2: 2 @ 85-90%Set 3: 2 @ 85-90%Set 4: 2 @ 90-95%Set 5: 2 @...
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